Feed law

- Representation of a global pharmaceutical company in unfair competition law disputes in feed and veterinary medicinal products law regarding delimitation issues (complementary feed vs. veterinary medicinal products, use of unauthorized feed additives vs. feed material) and misleading advertising
- Advising various feed business operators on the product development of complementary feed and feed intended for particular nutritional purposes for pets and farm animals as well as for horses on special issues relating to substance law, product labelling and advertising as well as notification, registration and approval requirements under EU feed law
- Representation of various feed business operators in unfair competition law disputes concerning health-related claims and efficacy statements in relation to complementary feed and feed intended for particular nutritional purposes
- Advising numerous feed business operators on feed additive classification (zootechnical vs. nutritional feed additives), respective authorisation requirements and on the distribution of premixes
- Representation of a feed business operator in an official complaint procedure in relation to the delimitation between veterinary medicinal products by presentation and complementary feed.